This post is about an experience I had, but I'm not sure I had. Hopefully it will make sense.
I've mentioned I have a 20 inch neck. It's great for holding up my big head. It also came with a free gift--sleep apnea. That causes people to stop breathing for short periods while they sleep. But so what? I was fine (and too dumb to look up the consequences). I started waking up a lot during the night and then waking up with headaches in the morning. Not every morning, but often. And then more often. And then mornings became a real struggle. I was tired all the time. But I work long hours, so of course I was tired. I didn't connect being tired to the apnea.
There was one positive. One day a very vain woman in my office stopped by to ask a question. My mind was alert, but I could feel my eyes closing. It was hysterical. Why? Because of the look on the woman's face. Thanks to her vanity, she was horribly offended that I could drift off while talking to HER. As I said, my mind was alert, so I was able to enjoy the moment.
That convinced me to see a doctor. I spent one night in the hospital for a "sleep study"--I was hooked up to monitors that measured how often I stopped breathing and also tracked my blood oxygen levels. At 5:00am the technician monitoring my activity woke me up. She couldn't take it anymore--she said I scared her more than any other patient in her 25 year career. On average, I stopped breathing 113 times an hour. At one point, my blood oxygen level went down to 59% (that's why I got headaches--carbon dioxide in my blood instead of oxygen). My poor brain!!!
I was put on the fast track to get a machine to keep me breathing at night, until I decided whether to have a minor throat procedure. Two weeks later I still didn't have the machine. And then it happened.
I went to bed, fell asleep, and later I felt hands pulling me away. I could see my room, then my house. I kept rising higher up (backing away) and the view was just what you would expect, until eventually I was looking down through clouds. But I didn't feel peaceful. I felt panicked. Imagine you see your puppy run out in front of a car. You can save it, but people are holding you back. You can't get free, but you have to. That's how I felt. Finally I shouted, "No, I can't go! My family needs me!". The hands let me go.
And then I woke up. I was awake, but I couldn't move. My heart was pounding so hard and fast I couldn't tell one beat from another and I was gasping for air. I must have stopped breathing for quite a while. I don't know how long it took for me to catch my breath and for my heart rate to drop back to normal--it felt like an hour, but it was at probably only ten minutes. Needless to say I was exhausted.
So what do you think happened that night? Was I on my way to the next life? Or just having a nightmare?
PS - I had the throat procedure. One experience like that was one too many.
I'm glad that you got the throat procedure, especially when you stopped breathing "113 times an hour"! Craaazy! At least the headaches are gone now. And you're writing about this event. 8)
ReplyDelete<33 Rena
ReplyDeletewaaahhh..thanks it works again;)Ive been trying commenting here but i always got a problem like my google name not accepted here..hhahhaha!
ReplyDeletethanks for the visit Rick, mind visiting here;
just needs comments there:) thanks... Merry Christmas:)
I've heard of out of body experiences but I'm thinking it was a nightmare if you could see EARTH. Usually peeps can just see themselves I think. :P Did the throat procedure help eliminate the sleep apnea?
ReplyDeleteWow. That's definitely an experience that I don't even think I can comment on an experience like that. It's just crazy and unique. I guess what I meant to say is not everyone will experience something like that and whatever it may have been I'm just glad you're here on Earth alright with your family. You're a good guy and your family is lucky to have you.
ReplyDeleteBtw, thank you so much Rick for all the kind words you've written on my site. Lately, I've just been feeling down and real, wise words from you and several few bloggers really hit home and made me realize a couple things. Thank you!
Also I hope you have a wonderful Holiday!
WHOA Ric...this is scary! I am glad you are ok and went to see a doctor. And I am not quite sure what the encounter was...but they always say, when it is time to go, it's time to go.
ReplyDeleteWhoaaaa. That was some dream. Scary thing, that suddenly-stops-breathing-for-a-few-mins. I mean, seriously. I hope the sleep apnea's gone away.
ReplyDeleteThat story with the vain woman was funny, by the way. :P
Hey, happy holidays! :)
when it happened to me, I really believed I was on my way to the next life. your story brougt back memories. first i thought then that i was just astroprojecting. I didn't tell my family about it because I thought it was a cool gift that I'd like to keep all to myself..then lots of paperworks and sleepless nights after...I think my body just wanted to rest for good. I felt my spirit drifting. Saw my body on the bed. Didn't panick at first because spirit drifting happens to me often then. But then, I realized I can't go back and my spirit just kept flying higher and higher. I knew that if I flew high enough to the point that I can no longer see my body, I might never come back. so I closed my spirit eyes and asked the Lord to give me another chance. I shouted no over and over..and then I woke up...gasping for air, my heart beating faster than usual.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're okay Ric. I can relate. Really.
Ooooh. That's just freaky! I sometimes forget to breathe too, but that's when I'm actually awake. Guess the phrase "as natural as breathing" doesn't apply to us! :p
ReplyDeletewhoa that is scary! I haven't had any experiences like that before... but hmm not sure what I would do in that situation haha ignore it and hope it never happens again probably!
ReplyDeletehappy to meet you too ric :)
ReplyDeletethat's a scary story and i'm glad you are ok now. :/ i just had a weird dream last night too haha! but mine was just plain weird, not scary.
ReplyDeleteThat's crazy! I'm glad you got that fixed. So how does having a long neck lead to sleep apnea?
ReplyDeleteThat was really scary!!! Are you okay now?
ReplyDeleteOMG that sounds scary!!!!!!!!! When was the surgery? Are you completely cured now?
ReplyDeleteWow, that was super scary!! I didn't know there was something like apnea, sounds horrible, hope you don't have problems like that anymore since the throat procedure!
ReplyDeleteric, my email's :) thank you ric!! :)
ReplyDeleteOkay I have a LOT of stories to catch up on & a few things to tell you.
ReplyDelete1st off - all those sweet comments and that facebook message of yours did NOT go unnoticed! I LOVED them all. you seriously bring a smile to my face and just brighten up my day. Thank you so much Rick :) You have no idea how much it all meant to me when I was on countless occasions ready to pull my hair out or cry in frustration with school & then to get something so sweet from you. You seriously just help to lift my spirits up & I love it. I can't thank you enough <333 You are an amazing person, and I'm so glad to have met you here through blogger ;)
2nd - MY GOODNESS! 59%!? As a nurse (or I should say future nurse) BAD, very bad! We don't like it when our patients drop into the low 90's! Before I kept reading and got to your comment about your brain, I was thinking "omg, his brain!" lol Glad you went to the doctor, though you should have gone sooner!
3rd - fun fact: my mom has to sleep with CPAP machine because of her apnea. She did one of those sleep studies and I forget her number, but she now sleeps (or should be, I don't think she has it on right now) with it at night. But she says it's terribly uncomfortable and my dad says it annoyingly loud and hates listening to it when she sleeps. AND I'm sure he loves the fact that my mom looks like a real fox with that machine on her face! LOL
And lastly, that dream was freaky! I'd be afraid to fall back to sleep if I was you. I think it was a nightmare, but it could've possibly (anything's possible) been you just uh... don't wanna say it.
My Grandma died before (her heart stopped) and she saw "the light" that everyone talks about. And then she saw her dad but told him she couldn't leave with him and had to stay back to take care of one of her kids. And then she woke up with the doctor hold her and crying *doctor gave her the wrong blood type & pretty much killed her* But she's alive and well now! :) haha
Missed leaving you novel sized comments! ;D lol
Lots of cleaning! We have family friends coming into town so I am making sure our home looks spotless (or close to it...haha). :P Hope you're doing well.
ReplyDeletewhoa rick...sounds like a freaky deaky near death experience. i don't like the sounds of that! may you never experience that again. yay for throat surgery!
ReplyDeleteSweater underneath. I was really cold...hehe.
ReplyDeleteGreat guesses but it was "Man in the mirror". ;)