Sunday, August 7, 2011

Finding it difficult to write

Before getting to this post, I want to take a moment to applaud my blog friends who had the courage to read and comment on my previous post—the one titled, “Could I Live With You?” LOL! Of course, once you read it you understood I wasn’t asking to move in, just addressing how little things can be annoying when you spend a lot of time with someone AND you're stressed out.

I want to follow-up with a post on how we react differently to the same actions committed by different people. But I've re-written it 4 times and it got worse each time. So here are just the long bullet points:

--The more we like someone, the easier it is to overlook minor annoyances.
--People we don't like annoy us just by being there, so they can't get away with doing the very same things we overlook with a friend.
--The jerks notice, but most don't understand why they're treated differently.
--I work at treating everyone the same, but fail (despite a co-worker from the Baltimore ghetto--who dresses like a $2 hooker--telling my wife she likes me because I treat everyone the same. I try, but I don't. Because...
--Some people are just too damn annoying--I'm thinking of the co-worker who has tried to explain to me 50 times why she buys value meals instead of buying the items individually. Who would have guessed something called a #$%&*# value meal might cost less??? She tries to plant herself in my office and I have to throw her butt out so I can get work done. Can you tell I'm in a mood? =)

Finally, this will seem unrelated, but if I gave you the 12 page version of the post it would make sense. I want to mention that while it's important to support our friends, we can't do it blindly. I think that's how World War I got started. Sometimes our friends are wrong. As a friend, you should give them a reality check when they need it.

Okay, I'm done. I'm going to take a little break from posting until I remember how to write. To make sure you don't forget about me, I'll be logging in to comment. I don't want to lose touch with you because [see last line of the post].

Mayra mentioned having a scoring chart for the quiz, so I made one up. A perfect score called for 9 C's, followed by "yes", "no" and "buy" (helloooo Kristie and S&C). ;P

8-9 C's: Like Mary Poppins, you're practically perfect
6-7 C's: It would be great having you around.
4-5 C's: What's a few differences among friends.
2-3 C's: Time apart can be good for friendships.
1-2 C's: Are we related?
Nada C's: These are the people I live with.

So if you like someone enough, love them, or have entered into a tontine with them, a few minor annoyances are definitely worth it--regardless of how they answered. Like it or not, I think my blog friends (including you Mayra) are all Mary Poppinses (sp?). =)


  1. I believe that your writing is not terrible at all! =) I also believe exactly everything you said in the points. I will look over so many little things that would normally irk me if I like you. If I don't like you, you will know that i don't. I don't try to make it obvious but my whole demeanor changes. My fiance finds it amusing.

    Hope your weekend was fantastic!!

  2. "People we don't like annoy us just by being there, so they can't get away with doing the very same things we overlook with a friend."

    I couldn't agree more, Rick! And no, I don't think you write terribly at all! I'm sorry I wasn't able to comment on your last post, as my laptop is still busted and my time online is very limited :(

  3. i feel bad now. i think i should start giving my bff the reality check because every time i think she's doing something horribly wrong, i would just nod and say that's it's okay and blah blah blah... hahaha... i can't ever forgive myself when i talked her into saying that it's okay for her to break up with her last bf )despite the fact that we all know he loves her), to be with her bf now O_o i think that's why it's almost a year that they've been together and i still haven't met him. REALITY CHECK FOR MY BFF FROM NOW ON!!

    Oh oh ... and so true about the more you like someone the less annoying they are. i think i would have to say that about my hubby.


  4. ohhhh ohhhh i haven't commented on your previous post! i just scrolled down so i won't see the answers if there are any. shall comment on it tomorrow and check this post again. :D

  5. Yay, according to your score I am like Mary Poppins!!

    Great to read from you again! I was already worrying where you dissappeared to! I'm gonna write you an e-mail later XD (from my working place, hahaha, nothing to do at the moment)

  6. Haha funny how the woman always explain to you why she always buy value meals. :PPP
    Just for fun, you should explain to her why you should not buy value meals if you can find any reasons for it! :PP

  7. I had to go back and count my C's. I'm not Mary Poppins material *sniff* hahaha

    People we don't like annoy us just by being there, so they can't get away with doing the very same things we overlook with a friend. ---> very true

  8. "People we don't like annoy us just by being there, so they can't get away with doing the very same things we overlook with a friend" totally agree, there's this chick I can't stand who is always around and just looking at her face bugs me hahahaha

  9. Definitely easier to look past little annoyances when you like/love someone. Take my husband for example... really? you'll fold my laundry but leave yours in a pile? hahaha! So why does your co-worker buy value meals instead of individual items again?? :P

  10. Considering I love Mary Poppins, that's a nice compliment. ;P But we all have our days so no one's perfect. Your co-workers sound like good material for future Consider it. :) Oh and I had to Google "tontine". It's always nice to learn a new word!

    (Haha...yep, definitely a Carlos! Poor kid. I'm surprised he didn't cry for his mom. I assume he was eventually reunited w/ them?)

  11. You've got many quote-worthy quotes in this post of yours. I wouldn't be surprised if one day I see your name together with a quote being submitted. I would love to read the 12-page version too coz I'm just curious.

  12. I figured one of you good people helped him out. =)

  13. Good friends are never easy to find but when one does comes along, treasure and keep. Personally, I do stand by 3C and 4C for most friends but you are treasured with a definite 7C. However, I do like to keep you around because you are a sure 9C!

  14. hahaha good to know that my pink room is not the only pepto room out there! and ya I re-painted that fast- I only had the pink room for like a week before it drove me nuts unlike you guys with your parents room hehe

  15. Well I went back to your quiz, and omg, we'd get along perfectly!!
    A lot of the things you put as answers for A or B were things that make me cringe. A lot of them were things that just drive me nuts!
    Since you're on the topic of PB, it absolutely drives me nuts when making a PB&J sandwich, to use only one knife. I HATE it when PB gets in the jelly or jelly in the PB. It sounds stupid, but it's just one of those things that will drive me up the wall with anxiety. Or if a person leaves food on their plate or in the sink >__< Ugh, the plates/sink need to be particle free. If I don't feel like washing the plate right away, I will ALWAYS at least grab the sponge or use my hand and wipe it down under running water. People say I'm OCD, but I just say I like to have things a certain way! Lol
    Oh and I like getting a new roll ready before the TP is even gone. I'll put a new roll on the TB roll holder & place the almost finished roll on top of that. I don't understand what people think when they leave an empty roll on the holder.
    I sound like a crazy unhappy person, but I'm just very particular in how I like my stuff & life to be :)

    Anyways, to the rest of your post...
    Gosh Rick, this is another side to you that we don't get to see.... Looks like.. you're human!!! LOL. Seem a little stresssed (*drama queen* JK ;) hahahha I say let it all out, & vent as much as you want. I find it fun to read. Not that seeing up a little on edge is fun, but that you're able to just say #$%&*# in a post. lol A little comical and slightly entertaining that you're in a mood like this. If ever you wanna just B*tch about anything, you know where to find me! hahah
    I guess I'm so entertained by this is because I have a good idea of how you feel. When just seeing a person's face makes you tense up. There's a girl in my nursing class who I just want to punch in the face (& this is coming from a little princes 0;) hehe, jk) But certain people just have a way of rubbing us the wrong way I suppose.
    Maybe I'm off in a totally different ball park and am making you go like O_o right now, but hopefully we're on the same page & I'm not just some psycho right now. But I like this post :) I'm so understanding of the people I love even though they do all the things that make me cringe or cause anxiety, & other people... UGH!

    Well it seems like I just love these novel sized comments. lol. Normally I'd apologize for these rambled comments, but I'm not going to :] hehe

    Hope you don't mind my crudeness today


  16. Woah, I just realized my comment is almost as long as your post ! :/ Opps! Looks like I've really missed ya Rick!! :)

  17. YAY I can't wait for those upcoming posts! :D

    I'm glad that you were able to get everything I was saying, because if not, oh man.. I would've seemed a little bit like a crazy ass. lol Who would've thought I'd find other people who feel the same way? It's nice :) Most of my friends look at me like I'm some weirdo for doing the things I do or liking them a certain way. They all say I'm like an old person in a young person's body sometimes. But I'll take that :) lol

  18. Hey, I had a perfect score! \o/
    I totally agree with you: the small things can definitely drive us crazy - but if we really care about the ones we live with, we gotta give in here and there, and learn how to ignore those little things.
    When I said on my post that it was a remark of yours that inspired me, I was talking about that! Once, when we were talking, you summarized everything your "Could I live with you?" post was all about in one single sentence. That was probably last year, but I never forgot it.
