If I'm MIA for a while, I'll either be in Panama (working) or recovering from vaccinations for the diseases listed in the title. I'm not sure whether to be relieved or concerned that there is no vaccine for Dengue Fever. I also received anti-malarial medication--if you have any sort of chemical imbalance, this can cause "vivid nightmares". I can't wait to see if I'll have that experience or not.
I'm mostly joking about getting sick from the vaccines, but there was some question whether I could take the shots or not. I was on steriods recently for a bronchial infection and apparently that suppresses your immune system. If it were up to me I wouldn't have gotten them, but our company doctor was insistent.
I do hope you'll feel no horrible side effects.
ReplyDeletei still havent got my flu shots because of my school sched, maybe next month.
There's no vaccine for dengue but you'll be immune for the certain strain of dengue virus after getting it. Unfortunately, I think there are 3 or four strains of that virus.
ReplyDeleteMy gosh...i had to reread the whole entry cause I really thought you're suffering dengue..that's deadly..you really have to be confined to the hospital for that.
*whew! thank God you're just joking.
I hope it's going to be alright. And if you do get some 'vivid nightmares' I hope it's not too bad. =[
ReplyDeleteThe title was a lil scary lol!
ReplyDeletehope you get better!
Hope you'll get back to blogging soon too ^_^
Hope you're going to be alright!! It's been a whie since my last vaccination, hahaha. Usually I can't move my arm for a whole day, but luckily I don' suffer from other side effects.
ReplyDeleteAnd your work sends you to Panama??? XD
What a great opportunity to be able to go to Panama! I am glad your company doctor insisted you get the vaccines. Hep A, yellow fever and typhoid are all within the realm of possible unwanted souvenirs you could get while there. I have to wonder if the real reason you are slipping out of town is because you no longer have the Caps to watch play hockey. :-)
ReplyDeletei hope you'll stay safe and healthy. i also hope you get to go to panama and enjoy. don't worry, you should be fine. =)
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, it's kinda rare for someone to have an adverse reaction :) What are you doing in Panama?
ReplyDeleteWhoa, that is quite the list. The last vaccination I had left me with a seriously sore upper arm. I had the worst time trying to sleep. At that point, I think I would have chosen vivid nightmares given the chance. @_@
ReplyDeleteHave a safe (and hopefully fun) trip.
(One can only hope. :P)
Haha love the title for this post. I know Randy is never a fan of all the millions and billions of vaccines needed prior to his leaving. I've heard about the anti-malaria medication in fact last trip Randy went on he said if he took it during the daytime he was without any strange dreams however if taken a few hours before bed he would get very strange dreams ex. in one dream an alligator stole baby Ryan from us and he went after it (little note for you my husband is from Louisiana haha). He said he was so bored on his trip he enjoyed the crazy dreams, guess when one has no cable tv anymore you do what you can. Anyway, Take care and have a safe trip.
ReplyDeleteWork trip? Is it a definite must to get so many vaccines prior to the trip to Panama? Your co doc sounds really insistent. Remember to bring insect repellent to fight off those mozzies and other creatures that bite or sting. There’s no vaccine for Dengue so prevention is the best cure.
ReplyDeleteYou’ll be missed.
thats a lot as in like if we are going to travel philippines, we also have to undergo lots og vaccinations:) and its expensive..hehe
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ReplyDeleteI went to a mission trip to India last year and I took malarone as an anti-malaria pill. It's the more expensive option but has the least side effects. I heard from my friends who took the cheaper pills and yes they got nightmares! lol.. I mean it's not that funny but it does happen. There are other alternatives where you will have to take the pill more frequently too.
eeks! sounds like you're a mess.
ReplyDeletewell i hope you feel better. btw what you wrote the other day, the thing about being sad for those who don't care about their family...yea i agree. well said.
Hope you get better soon. Always take some natural remedy to boost your immune system again after all the mdeication. Take care.
ReplyDeleteGet better soon. I hope that all those shots won't have any negative side effects. How come you need all those shots just for a work trip to Panama?
ReplyDeleteHey Rick, this sound very serious. Dengue fever is not to be taken lightly. It is rampant here in my country. I hope you take a good care of yourself and drink loads of fluids.
ReplyDeleteIf you are confirmed to be down with dengue fever, do try to drink plenty of isotonic drinks. It helps.
Be careful!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Rick,
ReplyDeleteI wanted to thank you again for the t-shirt I won! And you asked about my one book in, three books out rule and my Kindle. All books that I put on my Kindle are exempt. After all, they aren't taking up any space in my home! And also I have to say thanks for adding another flag to the side bar of my blog. I am assuming you are my "new" reader from Panama. I hope everything is going well for you down there. :-)