Monday, August 24, 2009

Ghost Stories - The Basement

Basement? Cellar might be a more appropriate word--especailly since that is how we referred to it...the cellar. It was unfinished, with a concrete floor and cinder block walls. It flooded on occasion, so the washer, dryer, my dad's work bench, and the hot water heater were up off the floor. The cellar was lit by four single, bare light bulb fixtures--one in each quadrant. One we could turn on from upstairs and the other 3 had pull chains. At night it was a creepy place.

I made frequent trips to the cellar to move clothes from the washer to the dryer and to bring clothes up from the dryer. That was a regular chore. During one night time trip to the cellar to get clothes from the dryer, it felt more creepy than usual. This was many months after I spotted a ghost in the attic. Nothing strange had happened in the meantime, so I had no reason to feel weird about being in the cellar. But I did. Dread would be too strong a word, but it was something along those lines.

I hurried a little and tried to show no fear. Did I mention I was 8? Anyway, I filled the clothes basket--which was as big as I was--turned off the light and headed for the stairs. In my haste, I slipped when I was halfway up the stairs. I started falling backwards with the laundry basket on my chest. I gasped, holding my breath in anticipation of the impact--the impact of my skull on the concrete floor. But instead of falling, I felt something touch both of my shoulder two hands catching me. Suddenly I was standing straight up again, just a few steps down from where I had fallen. As before, it all happened so quickly I wasn't sure what HAD happened.

Did my grandmother just save my life? Or at age 8 did I have the reflexes of a cat and catch myself? Since my hands were clutching the laundry basket and the basket itself was laying across my chest, I don't see how I possibly could have caught myself. Someone...something saved me that night. I like to think it was my grandmother. This was my only odd experience in the cellar...but as I reached my teen years, odd things started happenning in the attic. I'll cover that next time.


  1. awww...your granny is definitely watching over you. she is your angel. =)

  2. to be honest, i never really believe in ghost, but i believe there are people that live beyond us. such as genes. well, i imagine something too much , you know. :)

  3. CGM: Thank you, I do have a guardian angel. So many times I have been okay when I could/should have been hurt. I'm thankful.

    Nitia/Monto: Imagination is good!

  4. that's so creepy. i've always tried to convince myself from superstitions but deep down, i'm sure spirits exist.
    this story just gave me goosebumps. O.O

    anyways; YES! the Smithsonian museum! I love art history-- the class is planning to take a big field trip down to dc soon this semester. im real excited ^^

  5. rick! I already finished all the ghost stories!
    not because I have nothing else to read but I am curious about your experience because I just finished watching something about ghosts in youtube! haha!

    I like creepy and ghost stories but never had any encounters or experiences like some lucky people. I call them lucky people because obviously not all people can see and experience paranormals.

    according to paranormal experts, there are different kinds of haunting.

    1. residual haunting
    2. intelligent haunting

    residual haunting is a replay. ghosts who continue to act as if they are living. they do not know they are dead. they climb the stairs, they open doors, they switch the lights on and off. they continue living like the way they were before.

    intelligent haunting is a kind of haunting where ghosts can interact with the living. you hear their voices and they can give you physical contact.

    based from your stories, maybe the house was haunted by intelligent spirits. also, the hauntings were very playful, so thats the good part.

    i also used to stay in front of an electric fan when I was a child. I like singing in front of it because it gave my voice some sort of a weird vibrato. haha!
