Monday, August 3, 2015

G is for Gross!

Lisa (of expanding) recently posted her ABC's, with each letter of the alphabet representing a question she had to answer.  G was "Grossest Memory?".  Her grossest memory is very similar to mine--or at least it reminded me of a very gross one.  One that I'm now going to share.   (It's Lisa's fault!  :D )

My wife and I used to take my dad and his wife out to dinner once a month or so when they were not in Florida.  Dad liked to reciprocate once in a while (usually at The Old Country Buffet or someplace similar).  On this particular outing he introduced us to the Piccadilly Cafeteria.  My daughter (who was almost 4 at the time) loved it.  Specifically she loved their corn and their jello (red).  She had several servings of each.  It was cute.  Later that night it was not so cute. 

At 3am I heard my daughter crying in her bed.  Crying and throwing up.  She was throwing up all the corn she'd had for dinner...and it was pink!  It looked like a pink corn version of a science fair volcano.  So gross!!!

My wife cleaned the child and I took care of the sheets and blankets.  Getting through moments like that (instead of going for a drive)...that's love.

PS - Oddly, my daughter isn't that fond of corn now.  :)


  1. Ick... pink corn chunks just sounds terrible. Then again I don't know of any vomit that isn't

    1. You're right! Pink might have been the best possible "outcome". lol

  2. Thanks for sharing ;).
    I'm surprised you got a good look considering it was night time.
    Yea, I'd not be fond of corn anymore either if it happened to me.

    1. Heh!
      Clearly the bulb in my daughter's bedroom lamp was too bright! :)

  3. You're right, Rick. That's gross. Actually, the story was gross as soon as you mentioned the Old Country Buffet. My parents used to take us there when my kids were little and we would go visit them. I hated everything about that place. As for the pink corn...yuck.

    1. I asked my daughter if she remembers that night. Fortunately she doesn't. I'll never forget it though.
      I don't know how the OCB exists. I'm not a fine dining snob--and I know you aren't either, but my goodness!!! Once in a while I ask the family if they want to stroll down memory lane by eating there. The answer is always a resounding "No!"

  4. haha that is a bit gross. My dog puked on my bed last week at 4am, ugh it was awful. And he had to have puked on the spot where the matress cover doesn't cover. now my mattress has a semi stain now. and lol your Ariana Grande comment was hilarious on ym instagram

    1. Dogs and kids are great at finding just the wrong spot for these types of things!
      But I wasn't joking!!! :D She's just a dumb kid (like most of us were).

  5. The vomit doesn't sound gross. It sound so pink and bimbotic and cheery and like unicorn's vomit. It makes cleaning up a lot more fun and easier... apparently not for your case.

    I've been missing out on blog visits and I'm always happy to visit yours coz I could easily catch up with them all since they are really bite-size and digestible.

    ARe you on YouTube too? My YouTube started off as a video platform to host videos on my blog since the one from blogger is kinda too small and too grainy. It still is a platform to host my videos and I've got no idea how to use the more advanced features like how many YouTubers do. Great that you are en route to recovery or have recovered fully by the time I type this.

    1. Haha, thankfully my post couldn't include the smell....that would have ruined the cheery pink image. :)

      I have not been blogging much either this summer. Hopefully that is temporary for both of us. I rarely visit YouTube, but it's always fun to hear my blog friend's voices. So I will have to visit!
