Friday, June 26, 2015

My Life in Numbers

I'm following Lisa's example (on Expandng) and sharing some relevant numbers from my life (actually just the past 10 days):

3 doctor appointments (bronchitis, sinus infection, ear infection, and thrush)

3 antibiotics

2 anti-fungals (for the thrush)

1 inhaler

1 nose spray (antihistamine)

1 steroid

That's 8 prescriptions (so far). It turns out the steroids suppressed my immune system, making it harder for the first antibiotic to work on the infection...and making it easier for the potential bad side-effects of the antibiotic to manifest and create new problems.

"Pray for Mojo" You get pop culture cool points if you get the reference. :D

Have a great weekend folks--I'm looking forward to July!


  1. ugh. sounds like a pain. get better soon xo

    1. Thanks Petra! I hope your trip is going great.

  2. Thanks for linking up my post, but man, what a bummer on all the sickness, doc visits, meds, and their horrible interaction. Best of luck getting well, man!

    1. I'm 90% back to normal. If I can avoid going in and out of the a/c over the next few days I should be 100% by the 4th. So if anyone wants to meet with me this week, they'll have to come to my building! :D

  3. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, Rick. Steroids can be a wonder drug, but as you discovered, they can also be a nightmare. Hopefully you're feeling better in time to celebrate the 4th of July!

    1. Thanks Kristie, I am better now. About 90%. We had a mostly quiet 4th--except for the kids setting off fireworks behind our house off and on until midnight.

  4. ohh that sounds pretty bad... hope you are feeling better now!! and had a relatively good 4th of july weekend!

    1. Thanks Julie! I'm feeling better, but can't seem to kick it completely. I think I need a stretch of dry, hot weather to help with that. The 4th was nice. Quiet, but nice.

  5. Sooo many medications at once! Have you considered seeing a naturopathic doctor?

    1. I'm open to that. It would be nice if someone I know and trust was seeing one and could give a recommendation.

  6. Poor guy! Blech, let's hope that's the quota for the year, alright?

    1. It's a deal! No more this year. I think I've noticed a trend:

      2011: health trouble
      2012: car trouble
      2013: health trouble
      2014: car trouble
      2015: health trouble

      I prefer the even years! :D

  7. Oh my goodness! I hope you're back to feeling better!! I went a little MIA for a bit, so I'm really hoping you're 100% by now, but the fact that you haven't updated in almost 3 weeks is a little worrisome. *hugs*

    And I couldn't help but notice your reply to "rooth," good thing 2015 is more than halfway done. I really do hope that you just had a bad 5 year streak and 2016 is trouble free!! <3

    1. Thank you, I am feeling better. Still not 100%, but good enough.

      My problem in 2016 is going to be having too much money to spend! :)
