Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Running Shoes

My last post (about losing a race) reminded me that when I was very young I had a few pairs of magic shoes.  Most of my shoes came from a cousin--I think he wore only wing-tips.  So when I got new shoes when I was little, they were almost always sneakers.  Somehow, those sneakers gave me the power to run super fast. I would go outside and let them work their magic. At times I almost felt like I was flying, like my little legs wouldn’t be able to keep up with the shoes. I loved that feeling!

During one of my mad dashes across the yard, something was headed the opposite direction. A huge bumble bee.  It nailed me right in the forehead. Thanks to my reckless speed at that moment and the bee’s speed, I ended up on my butt. My head stopped when the bee hit me, but my feet kept going (like in a cartoon)…so of course I ended up on the ground. I didn't get stung, but I did end up with a big, red welt on my head from the impact.

I really wish I could find that same brand of shoe today to see if they're still magical. The store where my parents shopped is long gone.  But the brand may still be available.  Please let me know if you see them anywhere.  The designer label stamped on the bottom read “irregular”.  Is that an Italian designer???  :D

PS - Hand-me-downs circulated around my extended family--mostly my mom's side. When my folks did buy clothes and shoes for us, they went to a store that sold factory rejects--items that had defects. They were always marked "irregular" somewhere.  Irregular shoes weren't bad, but having "irregular" sized clothes (that fit) could give a kid a complex.  lol 


  1. If it fits, doesn't matter if it's irregular or not :).

    1. For years I thought my butt was irregular!!! :D

  2. I wish I had magical shoes when I was younger! :)

    xo, Yi-chia

    1. So many things are magic when we're little. My daughter was way too young when she told me magic wasn't real. It made me a little sad. I still tell her I believe in magic. Who knows what's going to happen next??? :)

  3. wow, I hate bugs, would pass out from a huge bee hitting me in the face hahaha running is not my thing, so I wish I could find those shoes, too :) happy new year!

    1. Hi Lexi, I have too many bee stories. It's actually kind of weird. But, I did grow up surrounded by nature. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  4. HI Rick, I haven't been around here for a long time and I spent a good time reading through all your stories and I enjoyed them. I love the lessons behind all the stories and especially the one on popularity. Really great reads on a Sunday afternoon. I hope you have been keeping well. Happy new year and may 2015 be a shining on for you!

    1. Hi Jo, I know you've been busy going and doing. Thanks for catching up. Happy 2015! I hope it's a year of good health for you and your family.

  5. totally know that feeling! I had a pair of magical running shoes when I was young too! and thank you for the christmas card, you are seriously too sweet! hope you have a great 2015!

    1. The magic of childhood--someday I might grow out of it. I almost never send cards, but I managed to address a few this year. It's one area I really need to be more organized. It's only once a year, I should be able to handle that!!! But for some reason I can't. :)

  6. Funny how those magical shoes feel heavier the older you get, right?

    1. They do! I was thinking about that over the holidays. Watching Bob Cratchit's family ooo and ahh over a goose, I wondered if being able to afford things makes us less able to appreciate them. A new pair of shoes? *yawn* I guess I was in a mood that day.
