The rest of the week felt something like this:
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store
(because I got no allowance :)
The lyrics are from the song "16 Tons". I'm being a little melodramatic here, but only a little. The rest of the week was taken up by one physically demanding project or another. There was lots of digging and sawing and hauling. One year we dug a trench (down past the basement to install drainage tiles) all the way around our house. Another year we built a 2-car car port. We dug shallow drainage ditches all around the edges of the property. Shingled the house roof. Built a shed. Built another shed. Every year (usually twice a year) we did pick and shovel work to smooth out the dirt road that connected our little neighborhood to the county road....hauling gravel where it was needed.
Saint Peter don't you call me 'cause I can't go
I owe my soul to the company store
(because I got no allowance :)
The lyrics are from the song "16 Tons". I'm being a little melodramatic here, but only a little. The rest of the week was taken up by one physically demanding project or another. There was lots of digging and sawing and hauling. One year we dug a trench (down past the basement to install drainage tiles) all the way around our house. Another year we built a 2-car car port. We dug shallow drainage ditches all around the edges of the property. Shingled the house roof. Built a shed. Built another shed. Every year (usually twice a year) we did pick and shovel work to smooth out the dirt road that connected our little neighborhood to the county road....hauling gravel where it was needed.
That was in addition to the regular chores. We did chores year round, but the work really ramped up during my dad's summer vacation. If I could go back and skip all of that, I wouldn't. I can't say it was fun, but it was educational. Plus, we accomplished a lot with our own hands and that's always a nice feeling.
I need to be a better dad--by working my kids much harder, so they can have that nice feeling too! :)
I need to be a better dad--by working my kids much harder, so they can have that nice feeling too! :)