My friend Kathy frequently refers to herself as a "cheap chinawoman". From what I can tell, that's a good thing--something my German dad would have LOVED (German and Asian parents seem to have a lot in common, but that's a different post). My dad was...frugal, let's say he was frugal. My favorite example involved Christmas tree tinsel. He had us put it on the tree one strand at a time. The cheap came into play when it was time to take the tree down. He had us take the tinsel off one strand at a time so we could neatly put it back into its package and re-use it the next year. We used the same 2 packages of tinsel every year throughout my childhood. Now that's che...frugal, let's say that was frugal. :)
Kathy has also shared posts on her bout with depression. She has been very open in hopes that her story might help others. Those posts resonated with me. I haven't battled depression myself (I'm more of a carrier), but my mom struggled through two bouts of it--the second hitting close on the heels of her recovery from the first. Last July I shared the story of her first depression. In my next few posts I'd like to share the story of what sparked the second--the setting was a huge snowstorm. I think it's an interesting story--and honestly, I only think a few of my stories are interesting (but I have to post something!!!). :D
Hope you have a great weekend (with no snow)!