...and I don’t care who knows it!” (A quote from “Elf”)
I’ll get to the love part in a moment. My second title choice for this post was “Forced Cleanse”. I’ve been under the weather recently and mostly absent from the interwebs. It started with a false alarm.
As I sat at my desk one evening I realized I felt a little off. Intermittently, I had to take an extra breath. My heart was beating oddly. That happens in my family, once in a great while we get a little flutter. It usually lasts a few seconds and then everything is fine. It’s not serious. I know because one niece panics every time it happens and rushes to the hospital. She’s had every test there is and she’s fine. But mine didn’t go away this time. After an hour I decided to go home. I took my pulse to check my heart rate. The rate was okay, but the rhythm was off. It was randomly skipping beats altogether and occasionally adding in an extra one. It was unsettling to feel that in my pulse—to expect to feel a beat, but feel nothing. Six hours later I decided I should go to the hospital, just in case. Two hours (and several tests) later, my heart was back to a normal beat. It was a false alarm, probably brought on by washing down two Excedrin with a lime coke. I’ve never been sensitive to caffeine before, but that seems to have changed. I was relieved to be driving home, even if it was 3am.
Three days later I had a fever of 101 and a slight discomfort in my left side. I could feel I was coming down with a virus, so I started the usual routine (tea, soup, Nyquil). The fever stayed high, so I went to see my doctor. The virus had turned into bronchitis and my first ever CT-scan showed I had an infection caused by diverticulitis. I started taking two antibiotics and had to go on a water, broth, applesauce diet. The pills gave me diarrhea (that + the diet = forced cleanse). My fever stayed high another 5 days, but finally broke on the 6th. The next day I broke out in hives from head to ankle (it skipped my face, hands and feet). I was allergic to one of the antibiotics and had to stop taking them a week early. The hives stopped itching after four days, but their shadow remains on my arms and ankles.
I’m still on a mushy diet (cottage cheese, yogurt, overly cooked fruit and veggies), but I’ve started having just a little rice and tofu for lunch.
The love part? Benadryl and a prescription antihistamine didn’t provide much relief from the hives (and I couldn’t take steroids because of the diverticulitis). I was getting up twice a night to take cold showers. For some reason, my ankles started itching the worst. It was maddening. But then I found relief. Benadryl makes an anti-itch ointment that worked like magic. I LOVE that little tube. I love it!!! Heaven help anyone who tried to come between us. LOL
I’m not back to feeling like myself yet, but I’m much better. I still have a slight pain in my side on occasion, but the doctor said that’s not unusual. Most nights I go to bed really early (for me) because my energy levels are low. Hopefully in a few weeks I’ll be back on my regular feed and I’ll get my strength back.
Did you miss me? Did you even notice I was gone??? haha!
I totally noticed you were gone, I think I told you that already. I'm so glad you're ok! Yuck to all the medication and force cleanse, that's the worst. I do have to say, I've used the benadryl ointment, I got one for mosquito bites that I'm semi-allergic to (actually mine comes in a bottle so it might be different than yours) and it seriously works wonders. I carry it with me during the summer!
ReplyDeletexo, Yi-chia
Always Maylee
Oh dear, what a trail of ailments, Rick!!! Glad you are feeling better after taking the antibiotics. Hope your kids and wife didn't catch it! Or did you get it from them? As for the itching, reminds me of when I had hand foot mouth (contracted from J). My palms and feet itched, and the inside of my mouth too. It was so strange to eat. I did notice that you weren't posting, but since you came to my site (TKS) thought you were ok. TKS for visiting despite being terribly sick, man!!! Feel better soon!
ReplyDeleteAww!! Get well & get back to ye ol' self sooner! :) Make sure now you eat lots of high fibre diet (diverticulitis from diverticular disease) and avoid getting constipation (this is not an advice from a doctor, but more like from a doctor friend xP )
ReplyDeletep.s also, even though I'm a doctor, antibiotic is always my last resort. people always think that antibiotic cures a lot of things when it really isn't :p
p.p.s but diverticulitis needs antibiotics though :P
I'll start by answering your question. Yes, I missed you and was beginning to worry about you! It was a relief to see your blog post.
ReplyDeleteI will hand out the same common-sense advice I am sure you are getting from everyone else. Take it easy and give your body time to heal. Sending good thoughts your way...
i was wondering where you went..i figured you just got really busy with work and life. i hope you're feeling better!
ReplyDeletehaha yaa taking enough of that flu drugs causes some weird things in the brain, hope you are feeling better now!!
ReplyDeleteI noticed you were away - glad to see this post! Slow but sure to be on the mend is the way to go! I had to LOL when I saw you share your love for Benadryl anti-itch cream - I felt the same way when I realized how "amazing" Polysporin was in healing my wounds. Continue to rest up! Get well soon :)
ReplyDeleteI noticed you were gone b/c I was gone too...hehe... :P
ReplyDeleteGosh, I'm sorry to hear you had to go through all that. :( Happy to hear you are doing better. I wish you a speedy recovery!
Allergies and hives are the worst! Hope you're already feeling 100% better. I haven't found the love of my allergy-prone life, though, sadly! :\
ReplyDeleteSince even i was on break i lost touch with bloggers.
ReplyDeleteSorry to find you in bad health.Get well soon (:
Oh Gosh Rick I'm so sorry to hear that you were down with illness!! I really hope you will soon be back to your old self and health again!! Wishing you all the best! At the moment I'm also down with polen allergy... I need to take meds everyday, my nose is clogged all day and I'm super tired from the meds, nasty side effects.
ReplyDeleteWell I was absent for a long time as well, and didn't even say Happy Birthday to you properly cause I was so busy in Japan on your birthday! But I thought of you, I told myself I must write Rick a Birthday message as soon as I get back to the hotel in Tokyo, but well... Anyway, happy belated birthday!!
I am so glad that you're on the mend and of course we all missed you. Who was going to provide funny comments on my blog and hint at the terrible double entendres that I was unknowingly posting???
ReplyDeleteYes Rick! I noticed you were absent for quite a while even as I was tired out from work and doing all social media stuff from my iPhone. I haven't been visiting blogs and I just saw this post.
ReplyDeleteI'm so sorry to hear that you weren't well. Weren't well is a euphemism. You were so sick! I've to google lots of terms in this post to know how sick you were. Your heartbeat problem sound like a problem some of my friends have. I'm always so worried for their pulse whereas they would assure me that it is not an uncommon "disorder" It sounds so worrying. That didn't seem to be the biggest problem of yours in this post.
I hope you get well fully soon. It is not nice to even itch in illness. That should be the last thing to worry about. Keep healthy!
I was hoping you would know the answer as you seemed like you would know all these classic mice stories. Hehehe. My favourite is the one popping out of the tent! Yes, you have to take a break and smell the flowers. Life is not all about work. Really easier said than done but we all have to try to put other factors like family and loved ones as priority above work.
You poor thing! It sounds just horrendous. Glad you are turning a corner.
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ReplyDeletesound terryfng!
ReplyDeleteheyyy I miss you! where are you!?
ReplyDeleteYikes that sounds horrible, buuut being sick and itchy is 100 times better than having problems with your heart so maybe you should think you were actually lucky? Lol