Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Weird Spouses

They can be weird included. Heck, maybe I'm the president of the weird spouse club. But this is about my wife. She did something really funny recently.

One morning as I was wiping the sleep from my eyes and trying to remember exactly why I had to go to work, my wife said, "You were in big trouble when I woke up. I was SOOOO mad at you because of what you did in my dream last night. But I decided to forgive you!"

Forgive me!!! But I'm not complaining. This has happened before...and usually she punches me in the arm before I'm awake enough to defend myself. She doesn't hit hard in those situations, so I've decided it's cute.


  1. awww.. she's soo adorable.. :D

    i'm guilty doin sumthin similar to the boyf, but instead of saying I forgive u.. i normally say "please don't do it again ok?" though it just happened in my dream.. hahaha

  2. Haha, that's cute--and non-violent!

    I feel better knowing it's not just us. But I'm sorry you have that dream too...not fun waking up mad!!!

    Thanks for commenting. =)

  3. ahahhaha i get "dream-mad" all the time at my bf ... i dont punch him or anything buuut sometimes i do expect him to say sorry :S lol

  4. hahahaha...that is cute.. =) Unfortunately for me, I talk in my sleep, but only if someone is talking to me, so if they asked me something really personal I would go ahead and answer. =)

  5. @LOLanne: So unfair, but funny! He probably owes an apology anyway for something you don't know about yet, so it balances out!

    @Mel: I would stay awake once a week just to chat with you! he-he!
