Friday, September 25, 2009

Special Soup

This is about something really dumb I did. The first time I made lunch for my mom I was in the 2nd grade. Her request was simple--hot tea (weak), light toast, and tomato soup. I got out the toaster, made sure there was water in the kettle and put it on the stove and then I got out the can of soup. The directions were easy. Empty contents into pan, add one can of water, heat and serve. Simple. I got out the can opener, placed the cutting wheel on the top edge of the can, clamped the handles together and started to turn the "spinner" (I still don't know what that part of a can opener is called). Everything was going great...for about three "spins". Then the can stopped spinning when I turned the "spinner". I unclamped and reclamped the can opener, but it would not work for more than a few "spins". I ended up with a can that had punctures and cuts all around its top, but none that connected enough for me to get the soup out. I considered my options and came up with a great idea. I went to my father's work bench in the cellar and got a hammer and one of his wood chisels. A WOOD chisel!!! I returned to the kitchen and proceeded to use the tools to cut around the edge of the can until I was finally able to lift the lid on one side. I poured the soup into the pan, added the water and made special soup for my mother.

What made it special? Love? No. What made it special were the metal slivers that HAD to be in the soup from my use of the wood chisel. Hopefully the metal had settled to the bottom and was not served to my mother along with her tea and toast. But hey, we need iron in our diets, so I'm sure a little tin never hurt anyone! LOL!


  1. lolz...that was still a very sweet of you to make her lunch...Im sure your mom didnt mind *cough* the extra bits ;)
    thanks for dropping by my blog :) please do so again

  2. haha! I hope you're right. I'm biased, but the image of a kid trying to open a can of soup with a hammer and a chisel seems funny to me...but slightly embarrassing since I was the one who did it!

  3. I'm glad you liked the new blog layout! It's a bit too girlish for a guy right? I was already thinking I was about to loose all my male readers instantly!


  4. HAHAHA. wow! you are good at mixing things! :P

    did your mom find out about this thing?

  5. Rick, you know what time it is now in Manila, it's almost 1am and I am still laughing and laughing out loud. I'm just glad that I'm the only one awake here. You remind me of Dennis the Menace. Hope to read more of your funny posts.

  6. Leah, Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it. No one has ever called me that before. I have a new respect for Dennis now. hahaha!

    Pleasant dreams!
