Friday, April 3, 2015

This Day in History

Not THAT day.  I mean a day in my history.

First year of college I needed a job.  Badly!  Every day after morning classes I looked through the want ads during lunch.  I'd put in a few applications and had one interview, but nothing was happening.  It was starting to feel like a hobby.  The week leading up to Easter I saw an ad for a bookkeeper at a seafood warehouse.  I called the number and had a weird conversation with the owner.

Me:  I'd like to apply for the bookkeeper position.  Is it still open?
Owner:  Yes.  Are you in good shape?
Me:  Ahhh, yes, but why?  Pencils don't really have lead in them!
Owner:  Well, there's not a lot of bookkeeping.  I do it myself and I'll teach you, but afterwards I'd like you to help in the warehouse.
Me:  **thinking, thinking**  Okay.  When would you like me to start?
Owner:  Sunday.
Me:  Easter Sunday???
Owner:  Yes.
Me:  **sigh** Okay.

I wasn't happy--I was studying accounting and wanted to work in a related field.  Plus, the guy running the warehouse came across as a real jerk.  But I needed the money. 

I didn't have class on Good Friday--which was fortunate because I had to replace my car's alternator.  Before I finished the job my mom let me know I had a phone call.  We didn't have an answering machine, so I would have missed that call if she had gone to work.  But it was Good Friday and she never worked that day.   

The call was from the Smithsonian's personnel office.  They were offering me a job I had applied for in early-January.  I'd given up on getting it since so much time had gone by.  But I got the job and it was the start of what has been a interesting career for me. 

Fate was smiling on me that Good Friday and I am very thankful--I have lots of reasons to be on this day.

PS - I really enjoyed calling the warehouse owner to let him know I wasn't taking that job!  :D