Monday, January 26, 2015

An old joke

A very cheap fellow, who never wanted to pay for anything, came up with a scam to get a little food for free.  He went into a restaurant and asked for a table for two--he was meeting a friend.  When the waiter brought over a basket of bread and asked for his order, the man said he wanted to wait for his friend to arrive.  After finishing the bread, he left, saying his friend stood him up.

He tried the same thing the next day and it worked again.

When he went to the restaurant for the third time, the waiter brought over an empty bread basket. When the man asked why the basket was empty, the waiter replied, "Your friend got here first today."

That's an old, old joke. I've been watching old TV shows lately.  Apparently there was a time when you could get a taco for a nickel!  **sigh**  :D

Happy Monday!!!

Monday, January 5, 2015

Clean Slate

2014 ended weirdly!  More on that later.

My family had a nice holiday season.  The usual food, family and gifts and an unusual amount of time off from work.  For me.  That was nice.  My wife didn't take any time off.  It was oddly busy in her office...or she was OD'd on family time.  :)

About the weirdness.  Christmas Day we cooked and then took the food to my father-in-law's house.  When we returned in the evening a bird had staked a claim to our front porch.  It was determined that we would not pass.  We couldn't get to the door.  Reluctantly, I armed myself with a snow shovel to discourage the bird.  After one solid, mid-air whack, it decided to take up residence across the street.

Two nights later as I drove my son home from work, a depressed racoon threw itself under my car.  I took evasive action to avoid the critter, but he guessed my move and went in the same direction.  It was my first confirmed road kill.  (One night in a very heavy rain I hit something small--maybe a turtle or a rock, I couldn't find anything.) 

I felt really guilty...about both incidents.  And I waited for a 3rd.  I put out a general warning to wildlife in the area to avoid me and I was especially cautious until New Year's.  Hopefully enough time has passed now that a third incident is not coming.

I have a clean slate.  Happy 2015!!!