Friday, March 28, 2014

Tag! 30 Random Facts About Me

I was tagged by the kind and lovely Stephanie of Beauty is Not Caused.  Please check out her blog--there are make-up reviews (that don't help me--nothing can help me) and also interesting food/personal posts. 

Since I've over-shared once or twice here, you may know most of this stuff already, but here goes:
  1. When you're stuffy, sniffling and sneezing, don't bother telling me you're not contagious.  I won't believe you. 
  2. But I will be happy to go to the drugstore for you.
  3. And even happier to hand you a tissue so you can blow instead sniff-sniff-sniffling non-stop.  That is so annoying!  
  4. I try to focus on tasks and not notice other people's clutter.  But once I notice, it starts to bother me. 
  5. I usually fail at not noticing other people's clutter (shiver).
  6. When I read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in junior high I skipped past ALL of the songs. 
  7. I skipped them again when I re-read the books as an adult.
  8. When I was born, my dad thought I might become a priest.
  9. I was raised Catholic, but am not currently a member of a church. 
  10. Despite having strayed, I don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent. 
  11. I had a great idea to start my own church.
  12. My wife squashed my church idea--now I'll never be a priest.
  13. When I was little, I wanted to be the governor of my state. 
  14. Later the dream was for my best friend and me to become veterinarians. 
  15. The job I am most qualified for is lotto winner.
  16. During my very first week of school (ever), a female classmate kissed me.
  17. I had to wait over eight years (8 years!!!) for that to happen again.
  18. Even though that second kiss made me horribly sick, I decided to be pro-active in trying it again.  (#8 was never going to happen, despite what I wrote in #12)
  19. In my youth, I didn't want to get married, have kids or have any commitments, obligations or responsibilities (other than work-related) when I grew up.
  20. I got married at 21. 
  21. And became a dad at 24. 
  22. I'm very lucky that I didn't get what I thought I wanted.
  23. Unfortunately I was completely right about taking on work responsibilities.  I do that too quickly.
  24. My hair is straight and brown.
  25. Back when I had time to spend in the sun and in pools, my hair went blond in the summer.
  26. As much as I like Speculoos Cookie Butter (Christmas on a spoon), it gives me indigestion.
  27. I wish Nutella did too.  I'm afraid to try the new Hershey brand chocolate spreads.
  28. I'm focusing on eating healthy.
  29. I try to avoid eating things I wouldn't want to eat the day before a blood test.  That said, Stephanie's favorite pizza topping is pineapple with bacon and I agree, it is the best.
  30. Her favorite super hero is Thor--he is one of my favorites too.  Batman is #1 for me, but I'm considering switching to Captain America.  People at work have started calling me that--because I'm kind of an old-fashioned square.  Very un-hipster. 
Hmmm, I had a whole list of ways in which I can be a jerk, but I forgot to include them.  Maybe next time.  :)   Have a great weekend folks!

Friday, March 14, 2014

I Never Get What I Really Want

Is it real estate?  No, that is Lucy’s wish (Charlie Brown Christmas)
Actually, I usually do get what I want.  I'm super lucky.  It probably helps that my wants are few.  But this year I wanted something really big and important for my birthday (which was Monday).  I'm happy to say I got it!  The test results after my wife’s surgery were all good--best gift ever!  She’s still sore, but we’re all smiles.  Yay!!!  Due to her weakened condition, I’m winning most of our little disagreements this week.  I know that won’t last very long. 

There was something else I kind of hoped would happen.  There was a slight chance I would get to share my birthday this year with a new arrival.  Two of my friends (Yi-chia and Megan) are expecting baby girls and both are due any day now.  As far as I know they are both still patiently waiting for their girls to arrive.  Why do girls always make us wait???  :D

Happy Friday! 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

New Take on a Classic

I want to offer a heat-felt thank you for your support regarding my wife's surgery.  There were a few tense hours beforehand ( also because the ice/snow was bad enough that morning to close everything except the OR) and a few tense hours afterwards (her oxygen level plummeted every time she relaxed).  But she's doing really well now and wanting to do things for me instead of letting me take care of her.  I'm winning the battle so far, but that won't last long.

As part of my thank you, I want to share something I created this week.  Someone else may have done it already, but I came up with it on my own--so it's mine!!!  :)

Have you ever tried a peanut butter and banana sandwich?  I've seen versions where the banana is sliced onto the peanut butter and one where the banana is mashed up/mixed into the peanut butter.  Mine is different--but the picture won't upload, so I'll have to describe it.

Start with a hotdog bun (this one was a potato bread bun), put a banana into it (just like a hotdog), and add peanut butter on top (like relish, mustard or ketchup).

The banana dog!!!  It was delicious!  I'll post the picture on Instagram

PS - I'm sure it's been done--everything has been done.  But this time, don't tell me!!!  :D

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Busy Sunday...and maybe Monday

Sunday was a pretty full day.  I delivered 240 ponds of salt to my F-I-L (for his well water treatment system), replaced a headlight on my wife's car, replaced a burner on our stove, did battle with the pre-snow storm crowd at the grocery store, took my wife to meet a buyer of trinkets from her eBay site, cleaned out our fridge, and made dinner.

I think we're ready for Monday.  My wife is supposed to have surgery in the morning, but the storm about to hit DC and Baltimore may change that. 

I'm hoping it just rains. **fingers crossed**