Since I've over-shared once or twice here, you may know most of this stuff already, but here goes:
- When you're stuffy, sniffling and sneezing, don't bother telling me you're not contagious. I won't believe you.
- But I will be happy to go to the drugstore for you.
- And even happier to hand you a tissue so you can blow instead sniff-sniff-sniffling non-stop. That is so annoying!
- I try to focus on tasks and not notice other people's clutter. But once I notice, it starts to bother me.
- I usually fail at not noticing other people's clutter (shiver).
- When I read The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings in junior high I skipped past ALL of the songs.
- I skipped them again when I re-read the books as an adult.
- When I was born, my dad thought I might become a priest.
- I was raised Catholic, but am not currently a member of a church.
- Despite having strayed, I don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent.
- I had a great idea to start my own church.
- My wife squashed my church idea--now I'll never be a priest.
- When I was little, I wanted to be the governor of my state.
- Later the dream was for my best friend and me to become veterinarians.
- The job I am most qualified for is lotto winner.
- During my very first week of school (ever), a female classmate kissed me.
- I had to wait over eight years (8 years!!!) for that to happen again.
- Even though that second kiss made me horribly sick, I decided to be pro-active in trying it again. (#8 was never going to happen, despite what I wrote in #12)
- In my youth, I didn't want to get married, have kids or have any commitments, obligations or responsibilities (other than work-related) when I grew up.
- I got married at 21.
- And became a dad at 24.
- I'm very lucky that I didn't get what I thought I wanted.
- Unfortunately I was completely right about taking on work responsibilities. I do that too quickly.
- My hair is straight and brown.
- Back when I had time to spend in the sun and in pools, my hair went blond in the summer.
- As much as I like Speculoos Cookie Butter (Christmas on a spoon), it gives me indigestion.
- I wish Nutella did too. I'm afraid to try the new Hershey brand chocolate spreads.
- I'm focusing on eating healthy.
- I try to avoid eating things I wouldn't want to eat the day before a blood test. That said, Stephanie's favorite pizza topping is pineapple with bacon and I agree, it is the best.
- Her favorite super hero is Thor--he is one of my favorites too. Batman is #1 for me, but I'm considering switching to Captain America. People at work have started calling me that--because I'm kind of an old-fashioned square. Very un-hipster.